Agoda International Japan Co., Ltd. will hold a seminar in Osaka. Regarding the details of the event, please refer to the following URL.
開催日時 | 2017/3/10 |
イベント名 | Agoda Osaka Seminar |
主催者・団体 | Agoda International Japan |
都道府県 | Osaka |
対象者 | Anyone who is interested on joining Agoda |
イベント概要 | Thank you very much for your interest on joining Agoda.We will conduct a seminar about how to register on Agoda“. And why “ why you should register on Agoda” , “How we can help you to increase your bookings. “If you are interested, please click the below link, and tell us which date and session you would like to attend. We are looking forward to working with you. |
開催時間 | 13:00-14:30 |
費用 | Free |
定員 | 20 people / session |
参照URL | |
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